Bethany Richards Dority

I’m an artist based in Northern New Mexico with a variety of interests but with a constant draw toward vibrancy and fantasy. My most recent work focuses on capturing the psychedelic and mystic wonder of the high desert using a reverse glass painting technique. When I don’t have my head in the wildflowers and clouds I use it to practice medicine as a hospitalist physician.

  • Pop-Up Fine Art Show

    Thursday, August 22, 2024 @ GRUET TASTING ROOM

    210 Don Gaspar Ave, Santa Fe, NM 87501

    Join me and some of my recent floral paintings at the Gruet Winery Tasting room in the Hotel St. Francis for an exclusive pop-up group showing. Enjoy stunning art, wine, champagne, and the charming Gruet tasting room.

  • Exhibit at Magpie

    July 2024 @MAGPIE

    218 Paseo Del Pueblo Norte, Taos, NM

    For all of July, see 20 pieces of my original art on exhibit at Magpie in Taos, NM. This collection includes my latest reverse-glass paintings of New Mexico’s landscapes, skies, and a few prints of my latest florals.

  • Reception with the artist

    July 13, 2024, 4-6pm @MAGPIE

    218 Paseo Del Pueblo Norte, Taos, NM

    During this mid-summer reception, I was joined by the wonderful Taos community, family and friends to celebrate my new collection of landscape paintings displayed at Magpie during the entire month of July.

  • Art Santa Fe

    July 12-14, 2024 @SANTA FE CONVENTION CENTER

    201 W Marcy St., Santa Fe, NM

    Thanks to everyone who stopped by to see my latest floral paintings, featuring some of New Mexico’s most stunning wildflowers.
    This show was in collaboration with Spencer Rubin and Kristen Kavanagh of Prism Gallery.

  • Sunflowers, coneflowers, & cosmos, oh my...

    During the early spring and summer, gardens across Northern New Mexico are alive with sweet floral aromas, bright colors, and the buzz of precious pollinators.

  • Enchanting Landscapes

    For this style of painting, I start with the details. From there, I layer on more colors and depth with acrylic paint.

  • Other Projects

    There’s no limit to what influences my use of materials. Some of my earlier pieces include a range of styles and modalities, with my signature approach that never shies away from color and vibrancy.

“Art is a step in the known toward the unknown.“

Kahlil Gibran